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Arizona Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association

3 POINT + TOOLS for Sale Low Use

  • 09/14/2024 1:26 PM
    Message # 13406764

    3 POINT + TOOLS for Sale   Low Usage, then stored

    These tools have been stored for close to 20 years.  For the previous 20 years they were used annually, but very little only to serve a very small property. Unless otherwise specified, ALL Bearings and moving surfaces were totally greased before storage.  All parts move.

    INDIVIDUAL PRICES.   A bundle to include CASE VAC tractor and tools (separate ad) could be considered.

    Border Disc, 3PT, Towner      $500    Excellent Condition

    Disc Plow, 3PT, Dearborn      $500    Excellent Condition

    DISC, Tow Behind                    $100    ONLY “FRONT Half” of “Folding”,  Complete w/ Heavy Weights

    Harrow Set, Tow Behind       $150    Good Condition

    Harrow Set, Tow Behind       $75      Fair Condition

    Partial Harrow Set, Tow Behind       Poor Cond for parts or Bundle w/ other

    Scraper Blade, 3 PT                $200    Total Frame HD re-construction, Good Condition, All adjustments work

    Sickle Bar Mower, Detroit Harvester            $120    As-Stored outdoors for 30 + years condition.         NOT run, NOT greased for 30+ years

    Gandy Seeder / Fertilizer       $45      Old fair condition. Adjustment is stuck @ "middle" setting;  Works fine there. Buy for one great tire, and get the tool for “free"

    3 PT Harrow & Tool Lifter      $50      Not quite finished w/ 3 PT Hitch Pins


    3 files

Arizona Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. 

PO BOX 56386, Phoenix, AZ 85079, USA    (623) 435-3955

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